Charles Darwin and Judit Polgar: "Religion doesn't make a difference"

Why Atheism does not make for increased intelligence:

Very profound revelation from Science!

"The neocortex, unique to humans, is strongly associated with language, reasoning and attention."
God on the Brain: The Neurobiology of Faith

Horses, Cows, Apes, Cats, Lizards, Rodents, et cetera, are Atheists. They do not possess the human brain to remotely conceive of a "God"'s existence. Only an idiot would try to preach of God to a horse, gorilla or insect. To even conceive in one's mind of "God" requires a neocortex (irregardless of what that "God" may be and whatever one's personal conclusions may be) require the neocortex (reasoning center of the brain).

So therefore, it is in itself evidence God, as a concept accompanies higher intelligence.

However, as Polgar concludes, "Religion does not make a difference..."
For as science has shown, "...These findings emphasize that intelligence in vertebrates does not necessarily rely on a neocortex but can be realized in endbrain circuitries that developed independently via convergent evolution." Abstract rule neurons in the endbrain support intelligent behaviour in corvid songbirds

Circuitries in the brain are determining factors in intelligence, not one's religious belief or belief about God (the neocortex).

Judit Polgar: "Religion doesn't make a difference"

Judit Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170
The strongest female chess player in history, Polgar beat Bobby Fisher to become the youngest Grandmaster ever at 15 years, 5 months -- asserts she has an IQ of 170.
Polgar's father educated his three daughters at home with chess as the central subject. Judit is an International Master and her two sisters are Grandmasters.
The experiment belied the assumption that women were naturally weaker players, and strengthened the nurture over nature argument.
Age: 35
Nationality: Hungarian
Job: Chess Grandmaster, mother
The 19 Smartest People The World Has Ever Seen

"Religion doesn’t make a difference..."

If chess is implemented in schools as a mandatory subject, what are the advantages and benefits to society in general?

Chess is a language. Chess doesn’t make any distinction between a girl and a boy. Religion doesn’t make a difference, nor whether you’re rich or poor. You can also socialise with your parents and grandparents. Chess teaches you critical thinking, the ability to focus, logic, how to think ahead, a respect both for rules and for your opponent – and there are many more ways in which chess helps children and society.

Judit Polgar Interview

On that note... Religion doesn't make a difference. Although Judit Polgar is listed as Jewish. So please Atheists, get a life!!!! Obsessing on negative issues indicates some deeper emotional issue that should be addressed with a psychiatrist. No really. Obsession on NEGATIVE things leads to high blood pressure, weakened immunity and other unwanted health problems unless one is suicidal and wants to kill themselves at an early age, but that too is classified as mental issue. Every time I witness Atheists obsessed with stamping out religion, it is disturbing. I would say of all people I have ever acquainted or known of, Agnostics are the most happiest people. They are resigned to accept they cannot form an opinion on the "unknown" and don't care about it either, as they have many other enjoyable activities to engage in, friends, family and happiness.

I doubt Atheists got that. The words roll off the brain like water on a duck's back. They presume Judit Polgar's words, "Religion doesn't make a difference..." is inciting them to hack up forums with anti-religious rhetoric vandalism and hating on the religious. No, Atheists! Polgar meant what is written in black and white, please, *reading comprehension engaged* : "Religion doesn’t make a difference..." Judit Polgar means Religion is indifferent, irrelevant, a non-issue... caput... casper... nada... it does not make a difference... like totally, try to live and let live...

Polgar speaks more like an Agnostic (her words are spoken as one who is chilled out, relaxed, happy, enjoying her life), not filled with angst and obsessing over stamping out the lifestyles of others, but very focused on enjoying her own life, and having a truly worthwhile life beyond their keyboard warrior campaign against the religious), and just don't care about religion. Period. Indifferent. Irrelevant. They have a life beyond obsessing over things they cannot explain, and prefer channeling all that mental energy into sharpening their chess game.

Speaking of what makes high intelligence? Well, Judit Polgar defeated Bobby Fischer, the famed world chess champ. Fischer had Asperger's Syndrome and also born Jewish. So perhaps his genius was a result of one or the other, Jewish birth or the autism spectrum disorder (Asperger's Syndrome is typically symptomatic of highly focused interest on one specific topic of interest) in Fisher's case, he was absolutely, unequivocally obsessed with Chess.

And a moment to consider Bill Gates, the computer industry innovator and founder of Microsoft who was notably diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome as well. Well, its apparent Non-Belief and Religion, as Polgar put it "...doesn’t make a difference..." But being born with Asperger's Syndrome, or on the Autism Spectrum, like Temple Grandin who believes in God, can make one exceptionally intelligent and focused on their game, like Polgar, Gates or Fisher.

Atheists bedeck themselves in stolen plummage. Charles Darwin, like Judit Polgar shared the sentiment that "Religion doesn't make a difference." Darwin is credited with revolutionizing science, well, it wasn't his Atheism to thank... Nooooo, but you can thank his Autism!!!

Charles Darwin had autism, leading psychiatrist claims
Charles Darwin probably had a form of autism called Asperger's syndrome which is related to creativity and originality, a leading psychiatrist claims.
by Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor, 12:01AM GMT 18 Feb 2009
Darwin, the author of On the Origin of Species which sets out the theory of natural selection, had an extraordinary attention to detail but had difficulties with social interaction, according to Prof Michael Fitzgerald of Dublin's Trinty College.
Prof Fitzgerald believes that Darwin, who was born on Feb 12, 200 years ago, was suffering from a behavioural disorder.
Today he will tell the annual meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Faculty of Academic Psychiatry, and says Darwin was probably suffering from Asperger's syndrome.
Prof Fitzgerald said: "It is suggested that the same genes that produce autism and Asperger's syndrome are also responsible for great creativity and originality.
"Asperger's syndrome gave Darwin the capacity to hyperfocus, the extra capacity for persistence, the enormous ability to see detail that other people missed, the endless energy for a lifetime dedication to a narrow task, and the independence of mind so critical to original research."

On that snippet, Atheists are left scrambling to rationalize in their mind how their view on religion makes a difference... but instead, there's only a big fat blank... what? Atheism failed to make them one wit wiser!?! envious, disillusioned and disgruntled because, Sorry! Intelligence is governed by brain cells and their circuits... not one's silly personal "belief about religion!" Without those brain cells, you wouldn't even have a belief!

Despite the lack of a layered neocortex and fundamental differences in endbrain organization in birds compared with mammals, intelligent species evolved from both vertebrate classes. Among birds, corvids show exceptional cognitive flexibility. Here we explore the neuronal foundation of corvid cognition by recording single-unit activity from an association area known as the nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL) while carrion crows make flexible rule-guided decisions, a hallmark of executive control functions. The most prevalent activity in NCL represents the behavioural rules, while abstracting over sample images and sensory modalities of the rule cues. Rule coding is weaker in error trials, thus predicting the crows’ behavioural decisions. This suggests that the abstraction of general principles may be an important function of the NCL, mirroring the function of primate prefrontal cortex. These findings emphasize that intelligence in vertebrates does not necessarily rely on a neocortex but can be realized in endbrain circuitries that developed independently via convergent evolution.
Abstract rule neurons in the endbrain support intelligent behaviour in corvid songbirds

Asperger's Syndrome is a genetic "disorder" that often leads to abnormally high intelligence, and unimitable focus on one or more pet topics, and sometimes lends to what people may call "absolute genius." So Atheists!!! please stop stealing the glory away from Asperger's Syndrome, and bedecking the glory on that silly philosophy of atheism! It's worthless philosophy.

Opportunities to sharpen one's innate human potential, one's talents and gifts, make a difference. Education makes a difference. Religion does not. Freedom makes a difference.

Atheists really sooooo need to get a life and "get over it." Hike a mountain or walk the beach! Go to a park and meet new people. Try even going to some Universalist denomination church... meet people, make new friends, if its even remotely possible, TRY to enjoy life! By God! Find some interest to constitute a life beyond the internet!!! Restore a classic vehicle, or produce a fine piece of art, record an upbeat, inspirational song that will inspire others toward positive thoughts. Take a vitamin C. Exercise. Do something with your life, instead of obsessively hacking on people who have a spiritual outlook, that's THEIR life, not yours to dictate! Then again, perhaps some are so militantly religious in their atheism, for good or ill and having ZERO LIFE BEYOND ATHEISM (*ack* Oooo, so religious!! *ack* *ack*) they can't live beyond eating, sleeping, and crapping the religious thunder, obsessing on religion until its a sickness, because they have no boasting rights in any other topic or area of their life... or perhaps its just that certain atheists sub-consciously and secretly love and admonish those little Demigod-slash-Demagogue dictators?

Thought-provoking to ponder.

The evolution of intelligence (as the research concludes) is not restricted to humans. Through convergent evolution, birds have acquired and possess an innate intelligence. Dolphins are often praised as highly intelligent. Numerous animals exhibit traits that outdo humans on many levels in regard to "intelligence".

However, dolphins and crows lack the human neocortex. They also lack a belief in God. They lack the "new brain," "modern brain" or "human brain" and through it, the neocortex, humans are able to grasp, wrap their mind around and understand the God concept. It is PHILOSOPHY.

INTELLIGENCE itself is removed, unrelated to a belief in God one way or the other, and INTELLIGENCE has nothing to do with a lack of belief. So whilst a mentally retarded person can often understand the basic concept of "God is love," or a genius Cattle expert like Temple Grandin confirm her belief in God, or a dumb animal that is born and dies atheist due to its inability to conceive of God's existence, or be it the highly intelligent Stephen Hawking that claims he is atheist... the neocortex offers only one advantage in this regard. It enables the human to grasp the concept of God.
An animal cannot.
Intelligence itself is irrelated to such beliefs as it relies primarily on brain circuitry.
Conversion to atheism will have zero effect on ever increasing one's IQ or altering their brain circuitry; their human potential, their fate, their path in life or otherwise, to any significant degree. Some are born to become chess grandmasters, a prodigy of musical arts, talented painters, gifted writers whilst others genetically predispositioned to never succeed at making any signficant achievement throughout their entire lifetime, irregardless of their religion or their lack of belief. All the access in the world will not make them one wit more intelligent; creative, innovative, reasoning outside the box. Genetically speaking, they are predispositioned at birth to excel to an IQ of 75, or an IQ of 100, or an IQ of 120 and less common, an IQ of 170 as is claimed of Judit Polgar.

The same region of the brain that makes it possible to grasp the God concept and for the human to reason the existence of God, is the same region that makes it possible for an atheist to still grasp the God concept and to "rationalize away" why God does not exist in his/her own mind. However, all this philosophizing does not contribute to any increased intelligence. To assume it does, is a delusion. It is empty words, as even the religious would admit, most God concepts are supposedly to be about a "personal relationship" with God vs. a mass movement. Therefore to each his own opinion on the matter of God and religion. Live and let live.

Intelligence is determined by brain circuitry, and not exclusively attributed to the neocortex. Asperger's Syndrome, which likely gifted Charles Darwin with the brain wiring necessary for acute attention to detail and hyperfocus on specialized areas in zoology and biology from which he derived his theory, is a case study for neuropsychology, NOT the philosophy of Atheism. As for Atheism, Charles Darwin only expressed his LACK of interest in it! Religion was of no interest to Charles Darwin.

There are many creatures, far more gifted with wit and intellect far above that of humans, gifted at solving puzzles or abstract thinking, which relate directly to their high intelligence.

The neocortex (exclusive to humans) enables people to reason, and that includes the unique ability to conceive the God concept.
The neocortex itself, is not responsible for intelligence, it is merely what makes us "human."

Therefore, philosophize as they may,
by night or by day,
NOT one wit intelligent or wiser,
have they through Atheism ...been made!

Atheism can not make them more intelligent, no more than converting to Atheism could ever predisposition them to possess the skill or intelligence to beat Judit Polgar in a chess match!!!

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If educated and reason-minded Christian men of science like Louis Agassiz found it plausible to embrace the concept of a supernatural entity at work in nature, then the possibility is good enough for me.

Science Fact: "The Sun and all the planets were formed at around the same time, depending on when you define the birth of the sun. Before the Sun became as it is today it was a proto sun, which had all the elements it has now but it just had not started the nuclear reaction which fuels today's sun. As the sun started to form from the debris of the dust/particle cloud so did all the planets."
The entire commentary (link).
The Earth is not Young, but the Sun's nuclear reaction, is... based on fossil evidence, a wee 500 million years old.

Astronomers Discover Coldest Star Ever [VIDEO]

Early Earth

But what about Stromatolites and photosynthesis 3.5 billion years ago?

That's covered here in full.

Had there been any sunlight, it would have never reached the surface of the Earth, anyway.

Early Earth

I profess my innocense of the crime of Bibliolatry, however, I am scathed with certain Atheists who've somehow came to the conclusion their deconversion (which soon lead to blasphemous attacks on people of faith and anti-religious tyrades) supposedly equal a one size fits all, "patent truth"(TM), or even worse, a "scientific truth." Only the religious minded are under the delusion they advance their creeds by deception and claims to possess a monopoly on "absolute truths". Not unlike their counterparts Theistic Fundamentalists, who also believe they monopolize some sacred "Truth of Truths"(TM)... yet in my years acquainting both extremes, not much appears to be about an actual search for greater truths, understanding or knowledge. Rather, hatred and bigotry tend to be the motivating factor behind their many senseless squabbles.

Straight from Scripture Commentary:

Trees Before Sunlight
See the King James Hebrew-Greek KeyWord Study Bible, AMG Publishers, 1991 for yet another reprint of this century-old LIE. This EVIL lie has been told and retold by theologians, biblical scholars, preachers and priests to paralyze brains of the religious, so that they may continue unabated generating billions in tithes and donations from the faithful, never again to question the dishonest anti-Darwinist rhetoric, so the church can continue fighting to stamp out truth and enlightenment. These men within the hallowed halls of the establishment of organized religion, just as those priests, the murderers of Jesus, are the enemies of God because "God" can only be found on the side of what is proven to be TRUTH. And I present the truth here vs. their evil lies that have deceived millions.

Prototaxites, A Fossil Fruiting Fungi, 'Tree'
Scientists discovered this fossilized, non-photosynthetic, fruiting "tree," and call it Prototaxites.

They said it couldn't be done, but here it is, thanks to modern science and praise to God for revealing the truth about the fossil record. Still waiting on evangelicals to address this fossil discovery and begin owning up to their wretched LIES and DAMNED LIES for over a century... if it looks, waddles and quacks like a tree... its probably a tree.
    "The various attempts to join together the biblical account of creation and evolution are not supportable by the various gap theories because the order of creation is in direct opposition to the views of modern science (e.g., the creation of trees before light.)"
Source: King James Hebrew-Greek KeyWord Study Bible, AMG Publishers, 1991

Yes, finally, trees exactly as described in Genesis, before, and without sunlight. And no, it's not another lame hoax. (Short) and (Long). See, Prototaxites, Fossilized "Fruiting Fungi," 'Tree'.

Also see Evolution of the Earliest Plant Organisms, specifically the "Fruiting Fungi" which fits an identical description,
1. Has fruit with "seed" (spores) inside itself, and
2. Can survive without sunlight (exactly as described in Genesis). Such organisms would have certainly existed during the Vendian/Precambrian.
3. For a long time, scientists presumed or presume a giant "mystery fungi" was a tree, a conifer, to be precise... and some have now described it as one of the "Fruiting Fungi".

Also, see "Fruit Trees Before Sunlight".

I Challenge All with this Thousand Dollar Question:
Please engage brain and point out where either term, "Create" or "Design," even appear in this text of Genesis?
Genesis 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth (tender) grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Still Waiting...

When you Atheists or Fundamentalist Xtian Darwin-haters can squeeze "creation" or "design" out of any of those verses which imply natural selection, let me know.

And yes Atheists... please spare your sermon. Don't preach to the choir. I know all too well what you believe.

Just because people become familiarized with Atheism, hardly means they are so blown away... so mesmerized with "The Truth"(TM) and taken in by a few persuasive argument fallacies that they automatically deconvert and lose faith. That they didn't accept your religion, hardly constitutes a lack of understanding. Perhaps it's just that Atheism is that unappealing. *The Shock* *The Awe* -- how could everyone not see things your way? They're just in denial. (Sound familiar?) Every religious adherent is *in shock* and *in awe* when others do not want to buy into their brand of religion and they fail to convince potential converts. Just as my views might not interest you, well, perhaps I am fully understanding your views and yet, Atheism still remains just that unappealing. Mainly because of the hateful attitudes and blatant lies that often accompany "The Truth"(TM). Any religion that has that extent of negativity in it can't be good for anyone's emotional well-being. Meanwhile, I fully understand why most people will not subscribe to my views. Foremost, it requires a minimal amount of knowledge of several scientific fields of study and secondly, reasoning that requires "thinking outside the box". Lastly, I'm not proposing to have any "One and Only Truth(TM)". Just presenting scientific facts whilst challenging long-held cherished falsehoods as well as faith in people to exercise critical reasoning and make up their own minds, and whatever conclusion people may arrive at is fine with me.

Trees and Plants Before Sunlight
Documentary from "The Soviet Story,"
Jim Jones was a Communist
Eddie Vedder
Stage Name Marilyn Manson
Alice in Chains

The religious establishment and their twisted evil twin, anti-religion baiters said it couldn't be done, yet...


Vegetation, Herbs and Trees Before Sunlight.
Oh well, I guess that dashes arguments of Atheists and Science-Hating fundamentalists to little itsy bitsy pieces.
(and more found here)

Karl Marx Created Adolf Hitler
Darwin's theory did not create Hitler as some have accused, nor did Hitler's Socialism have anything to do with Jesus Christ or Christianity. Besides Eugenics programme in early American history and over 27 states which had sterilization laws on the books before the time of Nazi Germany, Hitler derived his version of Communist ideologue, "National Socialism" directly from the Socialism of Karl Marx, advocate of the most malevolent version of toxic Atheism, and author of The Communist Manifesto which lead to the bloody death toll of at least 100 million in the 20th Century alone and the killing continues ...
See Anti-Communism

For more information on Communism, and the ghastly death tolls:

The Black Book of Communism
Black Book of Communism

Harvard University Press
Communist regimes around the globe are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement. It takes a brick of a book to provide the crushing scope of this murderous ideology, that killed tens of millions in the 20th Century and that will continue to kill.

And while we're on the subject, let's set the record straight about Jim Jones, another evil, toxic atheist and Marxist-Leninist.
"How could I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."
- Jim Jones, founder of the murderous "People's Temple," a disgusting Atheist and Marxist degenerate camouflaged under the guise of being "A man of God".
Carried out to the instruction as Marxist Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, founder of the USSR, stated a necessity to infiltrate the Church, because the religious will '"swallow anything" if it is wrapped in religious terms.'

Hitler, Messiah, Anti-Christ
Like Atheist Stalin, Hitler wages a war against people of all religion.
(See Commentary Link.)

Communists murdered 100 Million over the past century.

Communist party members are Atheists.

And no, sorry, but Joseph Stalin was not a Christian because he attended seminary once and Christianity did not turn him into a butcher. George Bernard Shaw was no Christian either when he openly supported Hitler and mass genocide by gassing.

I’m an atheist and I thank God for it.”
- George Bernard Shaw

Atheists know this doesn't look good when they attempt to convert people to Atheism, and people are aware of the death tolls under Communist regimes so Atheists will do mental cartwheels to conveniently deny history or come up with some other lame twisted argument fallacy to explain away the atrocities committed by Atheists, such as, "Communists worship the state," I suppose therefore they're not Atheists?? Hogwash! Enough of the silly grammar school semantics!! That's not what the Communist Party is saying, Atheists!! To become a member of the Atheist State Religion, ooops, I mean Communist Party, you must be a sworn Atheist. No exceptions!

Darwin was never the problem. ATHEISM was the problem!? No wonder Christians rejected Darwin's theory after people like George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx latched on to it like the parasites they were!

I believe in the religion of Love which the Prophet Jesus Christ taught.
So, Atheists! Looks like that agenda to convert the world to your religion of atheism has alas backfired. Your hate propaganda has turned people off. People as a whole are still as spiritual as ever, if not more so. Oh, don't delude yourself, people understand very very well what you believe, and I know all too well what you believe with your religion of hate. Whatever side you're on, I'm not there!!!

My favorite Atheist, Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, whose wonderful song "Jeremy" brought attention to the anguish of kids who deal with school bullies vs. my least favorite

Mr. Brian Warner, aka Marilyn "Who Needs Fred Phelps?" Manson? guilty of regularly bullying and abusing his employees, both physically and mentally. THE VIDEOS ARE DISTURBING. Just "boys being boys"? or more age old ignorance that leads to a society of bullies. Most people have heard about the evil antics, but remain oblivious to the level of inappropriate bullying and ruthless violence even band members apparently have grown weary of.

Saving the best for last.

Sorry 'tis not Atheist that I can tell, but it is Alice in Chains. My favorite band of all time, brazenly questioning religious dogma and rhetoric.

And not to forget my commentary on the meaning of Soundgarden: Black Hole Sun A must read... or at least, a must-listen!