Somebody who understands science (a positive). A big postive.
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Very weird feeling... extreme weird. After years of being in the middle of fighting "Creation Science," here I find myself promoting it. The only exception is, I'm basing the interpretation on *literal Genesis* and actual science... aligning the two.
Somebody from Troutville, Virginia... the first person I've found with a specific search string related to what I've proposed for explaining the text of Genesis Chapter One. Somebody who maybe does understand the significance of "Cambrian Explosion". It would be nice.
I am not underestimating or overestimating the significance of the Cambrian Explosion, just as Darwin himself made an ordeal over it, grieved until he went to his grave... incapable of explaining the phenomena in the fossil record. It's got to be the greatest mystery, perplexing scientists worldwide to this day.
Sort of leaves me with a sick feeling though, after seeing all the damage (my entire life) personally victimized by ignorance the church taught. They taught me in my youth, the earth was only around 6,000 or 10,000 years old, and made to look like a numbwit when discussing European history with a pagan, back in 1991. First "debate" I'd ever been in with anyone. I'd never acquainted anyone who believed in Evolution, until that day. He said the European people had lived in Europe around 30,000+ years. I thought he was nuts... I wrote an organization I trusted for verification, and they sent Xerox of an article showing a "Venus" from Vienna, dated around 32,000 -- a male human, with a lion's head.
Here is that very article, which caused me to lose belief in a Young Earth Creation to a believer in Human Evolution. (Although, in 1991 I was far from having any real understanding of the fossil record.) It comes from National Geographic, October 1988, "The Search for Modern Humans"

In his correspondence, which consisted of snail-mail at that time, the man claimed the eldest known "Venus" was a female idol dating 30,000 years. I realized, he was wrong from what the article said... aye! victory.... it was 1) Male and 2) Older than his date, but, oooo, I learned at the same time that ancient people did indeed exist since tens of thousands of years ago -- and my faith in organized religion was shot down. I was already having doubts in 1991 and had dropped from the church.
Upon reading the article and realizing I had been prevented from trusting the school system / science, lending to darkness and ignorance, helped lead to packing away the Bible and forgetting it, rejecting it, as a book of myths.
Even now, having re-embraced Christianity fully and with all that I know of faith, and science included... I would stake everything that the full record of Paleontology can be aligned with the book of Genesis, however I would never want to see "Creation Science" taught in schools! Mainly, because mankind is not fit to teach even the Bible. Only God is fit to reveal truths, to the willing and open mind that trusts in Him. The scriptures say, "They will be taught by God."
"It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me."
~ John 6:45
"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest."
~ Hebrews 8:10-11
"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
~ Luke 11:9
Let them debate Genesis, until the cows come home... but keep it out of the class room (that includes Atheists and their revolting war on faith). So many people have been mis-educated about science, thanks to organized religion and its opponents who don't know Exegesis of the Bible, from a hole in the ground.
Therefore, thanks to that very ignorance, the last total I read, reveals a whopping statistic of something like Christianity branching into 20,000+ sects and denominations and they can not even agree among themselves.. above all, afraid to teach the truth about the simplest of things -- a great falling away has resulted because of the failure of the Church! But would be so bold as to propose over-taking education? God is not the author of confusion. Man is the author of the confusion.
One body in Christ Jesus? Nobody is teaching the truth anymore... either they don't know the truth, or they're too afraid to teach it to the masses. Seriously, why is it I can purchase scholars texts and critical commentaries like some on my book shelves, i.e., "Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics," written by Dr. Norman Geisler, and even in his conservative rationale he is allowed to say in the book that the Hebrew word being used regarding the flood can imply a "localized flood" and all geological evidence confirms a "worldwide flood" is impossible, yet, the typical preacher tells an entirely different version to the people who sit in the pews every Sunday.
Being associated with an Agnostic / Anti-Theist / Evolutionist for a number of years now... I've been seeing, first-hand (being in the midst of Skeptic circles; Atheists and Agnostics), what results when organized religion relies on man's ignorance to interpret scripture: People drop out and become foam at the mouth Atheists and Agnostics, and other enemies to Christ. You can blame the church itself, for this. Thier refusal to teach the truth, including the unpopular truths, is completely to blame. Believers are not equipped to deal with questions, nor are they prepared to face some of the simplest tests of their faith, such as discrepancies in scripture. Once the average pew-sitter becomes aware of some of the smallest issues, which are normal questions faced by theologians every day, the delusion of inerrancy is shattered, and sometimes, that person may even receive the big "please don't come back," brush off when they ask too many questions, which leads to alienation and quite possibly becoming another typical Atheist with the typical story of becoming a "former fundamentalist". The church has failed them! So the bitterness of Anti-Theists is no real surprise.
My first loss of belief was in the church I was raised and groomed in (The Worldwide Church of God).. completely fundamentalist, and alongside attacks on science, it steadily waged a war of slander against Christianity itself. The WWCG was strict and legalistic in Orthodox laws, very much like Judaism in many ways. In 1991, when I began to see the cult fall apart following the death of the founder, and after a lifetime of being taught "this is the one true truth," my delusion about a "one true religion," and blindly following a man, was shattered. I felt like the fabric of my entire world had been pulled from my feet... I woke up and realized, you can not trust a church... nothing is forever.
Then, I prayed for God to reveal the truth to me himself. What happened instead, was an "answered prayer," and a rather rude awakening when my brother (who had since became Atheist) up and decided to trek all the way from California (1993) and set down a stack of Atheist literature in front of me, challenging me to read it if I had an open mind. There, I learned things the church never told me.
And you know what? The atheists weren't lying... it didn't take much -- just reading scriptures themselves. Taught since birth, "The Bible has no errors or contradictions." But that book, the Bible Handbook (Atheist book) challenged me to open my own Bible, and compare various scriptures. I challenge any Christian to do the same, but keep in mind, to pray for God to reveal the explanation to you. Remain faithful, because it may take years of study, before you are lead to a full understanding. Be my guest, but such Atheist literature is drawing straight from the Bible itself to deceive people and lead them from the church, and the body of the Anti-Christ is growing, because the Church has failed to teach the truth. They fear to teach the truth. The adherents of Christianity have put their faith into too many Jimmy Swaggarts, Ted Haggards and Jim Bakkers, instead of relying totally on faith in Jesus Christ and calling out to God himself to teach them. Therefore, the Church has became weakened and has failed, with a great falling away from truth, that began, even many centuries ago.
I did just that... I was not afraid to confront a truth, and believed I was strong enough in faith to take on anything! I was mislead by the Church. I did not have the knowledge to read and understand scriptures. I would go as far as to say, the Church had convinced me that I was incapable of reading scriptures and understanding without a preacher interpreting for me, when that false doctrine itself (taught by wicked men who sought to have power over the masses) contradicts the teachings of Jesus and the prophets!
"It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me."
~ John 6:45
"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest."
~ Hebrews 8:10-11
"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
~ Luke 11:9
I read the verses, and compared them from my own Bible and gained a knowledge I had never knew. I read until the sun rose, I was speechless. I resented my Atheist brother for showing me the truth, but... I remember that sick feeling, he was right and I speechless, thinking "I don't want to discuss."
I became an Atheist for about 2 minutes... then remembered an apparition me and a friend saw years before, knowing "okay, so something exists beyond, but what?!" now believing the Bible couldn't answer that question, I settled into becoming Deistic... not having any clue, "Where do I go next?" In 1993, I even wrote the Atheist publisher, Farrel Till (exposed to the "Skeptical Review," publication by my brother), and Mr. Till published the letter. (Round about the spring 1993 edition, Letters to the Editors section). Mr. Till responded in kind, that he was tremendously disillusioned upon realizing the "damaged bag of goods" he too had been sold by religion.
Over that span of 2 years, I had the rug pulled from under me, twice. In 1991... faith in organized religion blown to shreds. And in 1993... faith in the Bible itself, blown to shreds.
I packed away the Bible for 7 years and mostly forgot about it. Seldom did the Bible enter into my mind, except with disdain and resentment for how the ancient book had been used by certain men in organized religion, in their agenda to control me, to bridle me with a ton of perpetual guilt, typical "God hates you" sermons about hell and brimstrone... fear, to control the faithful. And, as we all know, there's 1000's of religions, and they all hold the monopoly on the "one true truth".
In late 1999 - early 2000, I began feeling something tugging on my spirit to accept Christianity. I couldn't do that though, I thought, because, the Bible had errors and contradictions -- and long before, the Worldwide Church of God had already convinced me that Christianity itself was the "spawn of Satan," with its Christmas Trees (tree worship), and steeples sitting on the Christian Church (Egyptian obelisk)... Herbert Armstrong's teachings of Christianity itself being the "Babylon Mystery Religion". Therefore I could not be Christian. I went through a miserable spiritual conflict.
But something kept tugging on my spirit, I had to believe... I just had to take a leap of faith, anyway... the force was convincing my mind, "you never gave Christianity a chance...." So, being fair and open-minded, I decided, I'd give it a try... despite what I knew of scripture being a "book of myths". I set out on a journey then, to explain the discrepancies in scripture and prove the Bible true to myself.
I did not have any proof, and every reason not to believe, but converted anyway on a blind leap of faith.
After converting, I soon saw the ignorance and superstition in the people in Christianity... the preacher at the local church even warned me the dangers of asking too many questions. Such as, "Where does the Bible come from?" Amazing... nobody knew! The first break I got was when my Atheist brother called me up out of the blue, and offered a "Children's School Primer," which explained the origins of the Bible, from its beginning on Papyrus to later day scribes hand-copying text, generation after generation.
And when I asked a Sunday School teacher, "Have you ever actually read the Bible," and his answer was "NO" -- I asked him, "Well how then do you know its the Word of God?" I made people angry enough, that I was soon accused of Demon Possession.
The good Lord saw to it that I moved away from that church to study science and Genesis and the actual scripture and praying to God to reveal THE TRUTH.
Needless to say, the same preacher who warned me how Christians hate knowledge, was soon fired because he introduced a slightly upbeat rhythm in music... to cater to a younger generation of Christians. Before he was fired, he had encouraged me to call Christian Book Distributors, and check out their selection of scholars texts and a full line of books read by those who are theologians and attend seminary (like Preachers).
I began a new path... the search for knowledge and truth.
Instead, what I got was caught up with somebody who _did_ know scripture very well... enough to answer EVERY QUESTION, and enough knowledge about scripture to deceive, distort and twist scripture to bring about serious doubts in my mind. I fell in with Atheists, who spend their time pouring over the Bible, tearing into it verse by verse (former fundamentalist Christians), tearing into it with a passion, but with one goal in mind: to disprove it. If only Christians had an ounce of the same fervent passion, surely God would be pleased! God loves the zealous heart and mind. If Christians would do so, there just might be some decent defense of the Bible for a change. It was answers (perhaps not the right ones)... but answers, all the same. It was more answers than I had gotten from the religious establishment. (You know, the same religious establishment that crucified Jesus?) No preachers in this day and age, dare openly discuss truth... and often being, the same truth they are taught in seminary! Shame on them.
So that's how I got deceived a second time, and lead away from Jesus.
In 2007, when my eyes were re-opened (I was compelled to begin purchasing books from Amazon on the history Communism, and combined with about 20 years of what I'd learned about history came pouring in) -- it was like waking up staring a devil in the face. I remember that feeling of uncertainty and horror. I knew that I might not have one single answer about the Bible (I was not any wiser than when I started out seeking to reconcile the scriptures) but I was certain with what I knew about Socialists (leftwing/liberals)... their war against people of faith under Communism, whatever side Atheists/Agnostics were on, I'm not on that side.
Although, in my mind -- I do believe that some Atheists are sincere about their beliefs, (perhaps due to lack of knowledge about the whole spectrum of issues). For instance, they are not aware of what their brethren have committed in the name of the Atheist Apostle Karl Marx. In fact, oddly enough, the first mention of "Pol Pot" and "Mao" was offered up by an Atheist. He stated to me in correspondence, how often we'd heard of the wanton mayhem of Hitler's millions, but never hear of those death tolls under Communist tyrants. So, there are some Atheists who probably do genuinely believe they are following a path in life, paved with with good intent... especially, once they are made aware of the brutalities committed under the power of church and state, under the Popes of Old Europe... though completely unaware of Atheism's own bloody history: 100 Million slaughtered in the 20th Century (counting until 1989), for verification see "The Black Book of Communism" (Harvard University Press).
When I re-embraced my faith, I could not prove anything to myself at that moment for truth of the Bible, but I was certain with all that I had seen and known: "I'm taking the Bible and Jesus Christ, on faith and let God do the rest."
I know full well why Atheists and Agnostics *hate* the church so much... and the church is very much to blame for that. The establishment with-holds information, they do not teach the full truth to adherents, that preachers and theologians claim the luxury for themselves to know. Therefore, people are slipping away from the faith. But the grass is not greener on the other side. Due to a little knowledge which, in the wrong hands can be a very dangerous thing. I was slowly deceived to join in with Anti-Theists. In 2007, I had awaken to find myself guilty of making hostile attacks on religion and, on many occasions. Just because a person believes in a God, does not make them a friend to Christianity by default.
Yes, with all I have seen and learned, I say keep the "creation science" out of the classroom. If the religious establishment is failing to even correctly teach the Bible, then how much less is it capable of teaching "Science," an area totally un-related to Theology?
Why does the church refuse to teach people the truth of the Scriptures and God? It took no time at all to understand, as one preacher explained the "miracle of the torn veil on the temple," symbolized that _any person_ could enter into the presence of God, without fear of being stricken dead, through grace in Jesus Christ. But people are looking to men like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard, Jim Jones (actually he was an Atheist, a Marxist-Leninist, but whose counting?)
"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
~ Matthew 15:14
Following men... not following Jesus, not asking for God to teach them as was promised by Jesus and the prophets. They follow men, and are therefore lead astray into darkness. Yet complain about what Scientists are teaching to children and Atheists who lead people astray? The greatest enemy that any Christian should fear, is within the church itself because the leaders of the religious establishment REFUSE to teach the truth. For posterity, I'll say it once again: it is the same religious establishment who crucified Jesus Christ who came to fulfil the law and teach none other, than the truth. For this, the religious establishment hated him (and without cause).
"It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me."
~ John 6:45
"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest."
~ Hebrews 8:10-11
"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
~ Luke 11:9
Those truths which Jesus and the Apostles taught, could be very threatening to certain men who seek power and domination over the masses in the establishment of organized religion, no middle men, with Jesus as the only intermediator between a man/woman, and God.
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